A quick note from Darcy

Curious about the trigger warning for Darcy's presentation? Take a look at this 3-minute video.


Please contact us at [email protected] or 262-563-3522 you have any additional questions.

Meet Darcy Luoma

Darcy Luoma, creator of Thoughtfully Fit®, is a Master Certified Coach, dynamic facilitator, and inspiring professional speaker. She has worked as director for a U.S. Senator, deputy transition director for a governor, and on the national advance team for two U.S. presidential campaigns.

As the owner and CEO of Darcy Luoma Coaching & Consulting, she’s worked in forty-eight industries with more than five hundred organizations to create high-performing people and teams. The media has named Darcy the region’s favorite executive coach four times.

Darcy balances her thriving business with raising her two energetic teenage daughters, adventure travel, and competing in triathlons.

Click here to learn more about Darcy.